Event: Welcome to the CARI Program and Overcoming Commercialization Challenges in the Canadian Isotope Sector, June 23 2021

Welcome to the CARI Program and Overcoming Commercialization Challenges in the Canadian Isotope Sector Wednesday June 23, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CARI is a collaboration between The Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization (CPDC) and adMare BioInnovations (adMare) working to bring respective resources together to advance an area of tremendous therapeutic and commercial potential … Read more

Event: Innovation, Automation and the Digital Transformation of the Canadian Isotope Sector, May 12 2021

Innovation, Automation and the Digital Transformation of the Canadian Isotope Sector Wednesday May 12, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This event will explore the interdisciplinary partnerships in Canada’s domestic isotope supply chain that are enabling new and innovative patient treatments and increasing the efficiency, ease, and safety of the isotope production, packaging and delivery processes. … Read more

Event: CANADA – Isotope Superpower? December 3 2020

CANADA: Isotope Superpower? Thursday December 3rd 2020 As we plan for an economy coming out of the pandemic the Canadian isotope sector can be an important sector for the recovery. In order to ensure that Canadians benefit from recent advances in nuclear medicine, Canada can build and maintain a domestic supply of both established and … Read more